Write & Direct: The Director's Film School
What Hardware is Needed for Color Grading with DaVinci Resolve?

What Hardware is Needed for Color Grading with DaVinci Resolve?

Software like DaVinci Resolve makes color grading accessible to everyone. However, there are crucial hardware items you must be aware of.

How to Setup A Color Grading Room On A Budget

How to Setup A Color Grading Room On A Budget

You can cut your film pretty much anywhere nowadays. But for an accurate grade, there are things you must have dialed in.

What Does It Take To Be A Movie Director?

What Does It Take To Be A Movie Director?

You want to make movies, but what's required? What do you need to know and how do you even go about getting started?

Introduction to Color Grading

Introduction to Color Grading

What comes off the camera and what an audience sees are wildly different—thanks to color grading. Modern tools make anything possible.

How To Use Dehancer in DaVinci Resolve

How To Use Dehancer in DaVinci Resolve

The era of modern cinema cameras is incredible. But with this comes a longing to reproduce certain aspects of film. Dehancer is the tool for the job.

What Film School Should I Go To?

What Film School Should I Go To?

When a passion for movies meets creative drive, something magical happens. And one of the first questions asked is which film school to attend.

Can I Get Hands-On Experience Through Online Film Schools?

Can I Get Hands-On Experience Through Online Film Schools?

The answer is yes. You can get hands-on experience through an online film school. But the real question is about a lot more than this!

Do you want to make movies?

If your answer is yes, Write & Direct is your inciting incident. It's your catalyst in the journey to becoming a filmmaker. There's nothing else quite like it. Enroll today or find out more below:

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